Installation and setup


To install as dependency if you use npm

npm install --save react-through

or if you use yarn

yarn add react-through

Base configuration

Communication center must be the parent of all react elements which need to be involved in communications. The communication center is implemented in ThroughProvider component.

Add the <ThroughProvider/> component to the root of your React component tree. In the react tree the ThroughProvider component must be the parent of all components of this library with any deeps of nesting.

import {ThroughProvider} from 'react-through'

const theApp = (
    <App />

ReactDOM.render(theApp, document.getElementById('root'))

Individual imports

This library is very small but if you want to make your bundle as small as possible you can import each thing of this library individually rather than the entire library. Use individual imports for each export of this library, for example:

import ThroughProvider from 'react-through/lib/ThroughProvider'

instead of:

import {ThroughProvider} from 'react-through'

for each this library exports.

Let's start

Now it is time to use it. It has two base methods:

Last updated