Render Props based component to receive data in the though-container. It pass props received from the through-agent to a function. The Function as Child Compnent (FaCC) approach is used.
Props from selected agent or whole area if bearingKey (or direct) prop is not specified.
: String: The name of the area see GlossarybearingKey
: String|undefined: define which agent data is selected, or whole area data if undefineddirect
: String|bool|undefined: same asbearingKey
but alsoboolean
is allowed andtrue
is replaced withdefault
for direct mappingdefault
: any: default value passed to the render function if no such agent exists or in initial renderingchildren
: function(props|area: Object): props from agent selected bybearingKey
or whole area if not specified
Let Agent
is declared and two instanece of it are rendered some where in react tree like this:
Render data from each agent separtely
Render data using whole area
Last updated